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Joining the Fraternity

Today in Masonic History we present Joining the Fraternity.

In the years since I started this site, I‘ve gotten several requests asking me to "help them join the Fraternity." Unfortunately, unless the person is in my home jurisdiction, I can‘t aid them. There are basic steps people can take when looking to start their Masonic journey.


This is an important question. You‘ll hear it more than once during your petitioning. Everyone has their reason for seeking admission to our order. Honesty with yourself and the brothers is critical.

As a warning, if you seek fame and glory or help with legal issues, you‘ve knocked on the wrong door.

Who do I contact?

If you‘re reading this, you‘re on the internet. Depending on where you live, search your state or country and the word Freemasonry. This will hopefully bring up the Grand Lodge or Orient, responsible for your region.

Sometimes it‘s not the most logical. For example, the Grand Lodge of New York has a district for Syria and Lebanon. Similarly, the United Grand Lodge of England and the Grand Lodge of Scotland oversee districts outside their country‘s borders. You may need to dig. If you‘re lucky, your Jurisdiction pops to the top. Their website will contain either email or phone. When contacting them, be straightforward and complete. Tell them what city you live in and what you hope to do. My advice is get a contact person in a local lodge who can talk with you about joining.

During your communication with them, ask if you have multiple lodges near you. I recommend you reach out to each of them. You are shopping for your masonic home. A lodge has a unique personality, like people. Lodge A‘s focus is on education, while Lodge B focuses on public service, others may use a specific theme.

Your In Person Meeting

Often the lodge contact will meet you at a local coffee shop or the Lodge Hall. No need to dress up, but look presentable. If you‘re coming from work, don‘t worry. Guess what Freemasons have jobs too!

This can be your first opportunity to converse with a knowledgeable mason. Use it. Good questions are:

  • As a member, what are lodge‘s expectations of me?
  • What‘s the time commitment in being a Freemason?
  • What are my next steps?

It‘s a give and take at these meetings. Expect to answer:

  • Why do you want to join?
  • What are you expecting from Freemasonry?
  • Why the fraternity?

My experience is you‘ll learn as much as they do.


At your meeting, the contact will either hand you a petition or explain how you get it.

For example, in my lodge it‘s required a candidate attend two social events (often our monthly dinners) so he meets the other members and they can become acquainted with him. This is to make sure there‘s a strong interest.

In most jurisdictions, you‘ll find a spot to put three references. These are people who know you well and do not need to be associated with the Fraternity. They help fill in the picture of your character.

Investigation Committee

This is just as it sounds!

Often, a team comes to meet with you. They repeat the question, “why do you want to join?” As a normal course, they recommend your significant other be part of the conversation. Freemasonry should not interfere with your relationships. This allows your family and important people in your life to ask questions.

Final Step (For Petitioning)

This doesn‘t involve you directly. The lodge will review the information gathered by the committee. They may do a check of public records, with your permission. Then they vote on your petition.

If it‘s in the affirmative, they have approved you to START your journey!

As you can see, joining the fraternity is not a trivial thing. It takes effort. When you join, your brothers will have expectations, just as you do for them. Do your research and find a good fit for you!

For additional information go to If within North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) fill out their form and they‘ll put you in touch with the appropriate Jurisdiction.

This article provided by Brother Eric C. Steele.