
Total Results Found in Database - 19

1. Johann Christian Bach 2. Johann Julius Christian Sibelius 3. Hans Christian Oersted 4. Johannes Brahms
5. Johann John Johnny The Giant Aasen 6. Christian Tell 7. Johann Zoffany 8. Johann Beckmann
9. Johannes Peter Honus Wagner 10. Johann Gottlieb Fichte 11. Johann Valentin Andrea 12. Addison Irving Bacheller
13. Johannes Valentinus Andreae 14. Johann von Robais Baron de Kalb15. Johann Joachim Bellermann 16. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
17. Arnold Jacob Red Auerbach 18. Arnold Jacob Red Auerbach 19. Nahum J. Bachelder

File Results - 15 files found

1. Johann Christian

Johann Christian Bach is the youngest of Johann Sebastian Bach's children. Johann Sebastian was 50 at the time of Johann Christian's birth. Johann Sebastian instructed his son in music from a young age. Johann Sebastian passed away when Johann Christian was only 15.

2. Addison Irving Bacheller

Addison Irving Bacheller is an American journalist and writer. Bacheller founded the first modern newspaper syndicate in the United States.

3. Arnold Jacob

Red Auerbach was an American Basketball Coach.

4. Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller

Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller was a German playwright.

5. Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia

Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.) is a Masonic esoteric Christian order which formed in the 19th century.

6. The Anchor

The Anchor is a symbol of well-grounded hope and a life well spent.

7. Johann Gottlieb Fichte

Johann Gottlieb Fichte was a German philosopher.

8. Hans Christian Ørsted

Hans Christian Ørsted was a Danish physicist and chemist.

9. Johann Adam Weishaupt

Johann Adam Weishaupt was a German philosopher and founder of the Order of the Illuminati.

10. Johannes Valentinus Andreae

Johannes Valentinus Andreae was a German theologian.

11. Freemasonry and Religion

Freemasonry is not a religion.

12. Johannes Valentinus Andreae

Johannes Valentinus Andreae was a German theologian.

13. Doyle Elam Carlton, Sr.

Doyle Elam Carlton, Sr. was an American politician.