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The Working Tools

Today in Masonic History we present The Working Tools by Rob Morris.

Let us be true, — each Working Tool 
The Master places in our care 
Imparts a stern but wholesome rule 
To all who work and journey here 
The Architect divine has used 
The Plumb, the Level and the Square. 

Let us be wise the Level see! 
How certain is the doom of man! 
So humble should Freemasons be 
Who work within this narrow span 
No room for pride and vanity 
Let wisdom rule our every plan. 

Let us be just behold the Square! 
Its pattern deviates no part 
From that which, in the Master's care, 
Tries all the angles of the heart. 
O sacred implement divine, 
Blest emblem of Masonic art! 

Let us be true the unerring Plumb, 
Dropped from the unseen Master's hand, 
Rich fraught with truthfulness has come, 
To bid us rightly walk and stand 
That the All-seeing Eye of God 
May bless us from the heavenly land. 

Dear friend, whose generous heart I know, 
Whose virtues shine so far abroad, — 
Long may you linger here below, 
To share what friendship may afford! 
Long may the Level, Plumb and Square, 
Speak forth through you the works of God.

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