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TODAY in Masonic History:

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Our Christmas Message

Today in Masonic History it's Christmas Day.

On this special day I am taking the opportunity to talk about Freemasonry and it's role in the world.

Freemasonry, as you probably know if you are reading this site, is not a religion. We welcome people of all different faiths and beliefs into our organization we only ask that you have a monotheistic belief in a supreme being.

This brings me to the time of year we are in, Christmas. At one time in the world this was the celebration of hope as we moved from the darkest day of the year and the days began to get brighter. We now celebrate with Christmas and the birth of Christ who taught very specific lessons when dealing with your fellow man. These lessons are taught in other religions as well.

The lessons Christ taught were of tolerance, justice, hope and kindness, to only name a few. These lessons are taught throughout Freemasonry. It is because of this that I believe Freemasonry truly embodies the idea of the Christmas season year round.

In our lodges and other Masonic organizations we daily, not just at this time of year, plan and perform acts to help the communities we are in. We teach our members, our brothers, to deal honestly and fairly with all whom we encounter. We stand on the level with our brothers whether we have known them for years or we are first meeting them on that day. We don't care what their religious affiliation is or their political affiliation we know that if they are standing there in that room with us, they believe that we have the right to our beliefs just as we believe they have the right to theirs.

The positive energy that is generated in our lodges hopefully makes it's way into the community through the acts of the individual masons. We learn the lessons of tolerance, justice and hope so well in our meetings and Masonic activities that we instinctively act in the same way when out in the world.

We have been accused of running the world, most certainly not the case. I do believe we are changing it everyday though, when we walk out into the world and display that Masonic Spirit, that Christmas Spirit and we make the world just that much better by being in it and sharing with the world the ideals that Freemasonry is founded on.

I say this in the most secular way possible Merry Christmas to all regardless of faith, may this season bring you joy, happiness and a better tomorrow!

I am a member of Washington Lodge No. 3 in Williston, Vermont. I am a member of York Rite, Scottish Rite and I am a 33° Mason. All opinions on this day (and any day) are my own and may not reflect those of the Jurisdiction I am a part of.

This article provided by Brother Eric C. Steele.